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LASCAD Documentation

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Description File
LASCAD Introduction (Powerpoint Presentation) LASCAD-Introduction.pdf (1 MB)
LASCAD-Introduction.ppt (3 MB)
LASCAD 3.6 Manual LASCAD-3_6-Manual.pdf (1 MB)
LASCAD QuickTour LASCAD-QuickTour.pdf (28 KB)
LASCAD brochure lascad_brochure.pdf (451 KB)
LASCAD brochure chinese lascad_brochure_chinese.pdf (962 KB)
LASCAD brochure arabic lascad_brochure_arabic.pdf (1013 KB)
LASCAD brochure japanese lascad_brochure_japanese.pdf (335 KB)
LASCAD Tutorial 1: Modeling a laser cavity with end pumped rod LASCAD_Tutorial1.pdf (1 MB)
LASCAD_Tutorial1.lcd (8 KB)
LASCAD Tutorial 2: Modeling a laser cavity with side pumped rod LASCAD_Tutorial2.pdf (2 MB)
LASCAD_Tutorial2.lcd (5 KB)
LASCAD Tutorial 3: Modeling an Yb:YAG thin disk laser LASCAD_Tutorial3.pdf (540 KB)
LASCAD_Tutorial3.lcd (6 KB)
LASCAD Tutorial 4: Dynamic analysis of multimode competition and Q-Switch operation LASCAD_Tutorial4.pdf (538 KB)

Technical Documents

Description File
Compuational Approches for Modeling SSL PP_SSL_Modeling.pdf (1 MB)
PP_SSL_Modeling.ppt (1 MB)
Description of the gaussian propagation code PP_Gauss.pdf (385 KB)
PP_Gauss.ppt (687 KB)
Description of the physical propagation code PP_BPM.pdf (124 KB)
PP_BPM.ppt (559 KB)
Description of the laser stability computation PP_Stability.pdf (82 KB)
PP_Stability.ppt (267 KB)
Description of the FEA code PP_FEA.pdf (1 MB)
PP_FEA.ppt (1 MB)
Comparison of measurements with FEA results PP_FEA_comparison.pdf (243 KB)
Description of the laser power computation PP_Laser_Power.pdf (596 KB)
PP_Laser_Power.ppt (1 MB)
Description of the Dynamic Multimode Analysis module PP_DMA.pdf (444 KB)
PP_DMA.ppt (523 KB)